Lacee smith

Details of a mom to be wearing open jeans with her bump exposed and hands on it water birth okc

The Beauty Of Water Birth in OKC With Spirited Birth Services

In the realm of childbirth options, birth center water births have emerged as a popular choice for expectant parents in OKC. Combining the warmth and serenity of water with the personalized care and expertise of midwives, birth center water births offer a unique and empowering birthing experience. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, you’re in luck! Water Birth OKC is available right in your backyard with Spirited Birth Services and they’re ready to assist you!

About Water Birth in OKC with Spirited Birth Services

Spirited Birth Services is a practice that specializes in midwifery, doulas, and many other services for pregnancy and birth. If you happen to be looking for other forms of birth other than the traditional, in-hospital process, OKC can help!

Spirited Birth Services offers wonderful options for mothers. Here, you can give birth to your baby onsite at the Oklahoma Birth Center! The center is conveniently located less than two miles away from a major hospital in case you need a transfer. Otherwise, everything you need will be in your personal delivery room. You can stay in the facility from 4 -6 hours after birth. However, depending on your midwives assessment, and whether or not another family is waiting for the room, you can stay longer!

A mother to be sits on a white cube in a studio in front of a window in jeans and sports bra

Why Choose Water Birth in OKC?

Immersing oneself in warm water during labor can provide a natural form of pain relief, allowing the mother to relax and manage contractions more effectively. The buoyancy of the water reduces the pressure on the body, promoting relaxation and a sense of weightlessness. Additionally, water birth encourages freedom of movement and optimal positioning for the mother, facilitating a more efficient labor process. The soothing environment created by water immersion encourages the release of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for contractions, helping labor progress smoothly.

A mother to be stands in a studio in front of a mirror wearing jeans and sports bra water birth okc

Mom’s Get To Choose

Birth center water births in OKC allow expectant parents to have more control over their birthing experience. The calm and intimate setting of a birth center, combined with the privacy of a water birth, provides an environment conducive to focusing on the birthing process and creating cherished memories. Additionally, water births in birth centers provide a gentle and familiar transition for the baby. The warm water replicates the amniotic fluid, promoting a smooth entry into the world and potentially reducing stress for the newborn. This allows you, as the mom-to-be, to feel more relaxed and at home, while also making the choices for you and your kiddo.

Water Birth OKC

If you’re looking for highly-trained midwives and doulas and facilities equipped with everything you need for a water birth in OKC, Spirited Birth Services is a great place to go. Since you are researching water births in OKC is the perfect option. 

As an Oklahoma City maternity photographer, I love to capture the simplistic, detailed moments. When it comes to births, every little moment counts. If you happen to be in search of a photographer to assist you with your maternity photos, I would love to help! Contact me today to get the conversation started!

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